Lacy Lowry MA, ATR
I believe every human is innately creative and curious, but sometimes negative messages, stress, and trauma block that natural flow. Like many children, I found joy and comfort in movement and creativity. Throughout my adolescence, these things took on various forms and continued to be an anchor for me as well as a place for personal expression
When I went to college, I discovered a strong interest in human psychology and a passion for painting. I saw great potential in using visual mediums to gain insight into the mind, so I went on to get my masters degree in Art Therapy from Vermont College in 1998.
Over the years, I've had experience with adults in psychiatric outpatient settings. as well as many years working with children, teens and their families both in traditional and therapeutic school settings. More recently, I have found great joy in facilitating women's groups focusing on creativity and personal growth.
​ I also have extensive training in IPNB, otherwise known as Interpersonal Neurobiology. This framework guides my approach, utilizing attachment science, neuroscience, and poly-vagal theory to understand the body-mind-relationship connection. I have also practiced yoga for over 20years and see the benefits of this work daily.
I love Middle Eastern food, travel, and outdoor adventures around the Pacific Northwest... sometimes alone, and often with my two boys, partner and my dog Sunny. I also maintain a professional art practice and love being connected to the Portland art community.